COURSE: Emerging Issues and Research on Harmful Cyanobacterial Algal Blooms Impact on Populations, Ecosystems, and Water

PATH 527: Emerging Issues and Research on Harmful Cyanobacterial Algal Blooms Impact on Populations, Ecosystems, and Water

algA Special Problems Course for Fall 2014
Meets Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m.
CRN 47106

Topics to include:
Global PerspectivesŸ
Metadata and Emerging Technologies
Animal, Human & Ecosystem Health Impacts
Food Security
Sentinel Species
Nutrients and Water Quality

Lead Instructor:  Gay Y. Miller
Department of Pathobiology, Division of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
Room 2635 VMBSB; Phone:  (217) 244-3090

Co-Instructor: Jeff Levengood
Illinois Natural History Survey and Dept. of Comparative Biosciences
Room 2013 Forbes Natural History Bldg;  Phone: (217) 333-6767

Student Organizers: Sarah Steinmann and Russell Moore