Study Abroad Program in Germany
Faculty Advisor: Margarethe Hoenig,, Ph.D., Professor;
Duncan C. Ferguson, VMD, PhD., Professor
Veterinary organizations have recently emphasized the importance of globalization, with international veterinary medicine being one of the growth areas within the profession. The steady growth of the world’s population and the increasing dependence of the American economy on international consumers and the complex global political environment have far ranging implications for veterinary medicine in the U.S and worldwide. We recognize that provision of food, the increasing importance of international trade, emergent diseases from husbandry advances, environmental disruption, and exponential international travel are issues of critical importance for veterinary medicine both at home and abroad. It is therefore of paramount importance that veterinary students gain insight into different cultures and are exposed to veterinary problems in different countries.
This study abroad program to Germany will serve to familiarize students with issues and opportunities in this field in a comprehensive manner. Germany and the European Union have been recognizing the importance of public health issues and addressed them in a very comprehensive manner. The EU has also been at the forefront of regulations pertaining to animal welfare issues. The goal of this study abroad is to expose US students to a well organized system of public health surveillance. This is especially important considering the fact that many of the infectious diseases of the European continent threatening lifestock and human health do not occur yet in the US but their recognition is vital for the safety not only of the US but the global population.