Organized by the Global Crossroads and Health Professions Living-Learning Communities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Health Issues in Global Perspectives
Each semester, the Global Crossroads Living-Learning Community invites members of the University community to come to PAR to share their work as it relates to the current theme. Afterwards, all attendees are encouraged to join the speaker at a dinner provided by Global Crossroads and University Catering. Sunday Series events are free and open to the public. This fall, GC teams up with Health Professions Living-Learning Community.
All programs begin at 4:00 PM
Saunders Lounge, Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (PAR)
Please RSVP to Lydia Khuri at mkhuri ‘at’
Fall 2013 Sunday Series:
October 20th: Scientific Animations Without Borders
Maria Julia Bello Bravo (Assistant Director, International Programs and Studies, University of Illinois)
Barry Pittendrigh (Professor, Entomology, University of Illinois)
October 27th: Why Microbiology is the Nexus of Public Health, Engineering and Economic Development
Joanna Shisler (Associate Professor, Microbiology, University of Illinois)
November 10th: Lab-on-a-Chip HIV/AIDS Diagnostics for Global Health
Rashid Bashir (Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering & Bioengineering, University of Illinois)