Illinois-Njala Sustainable & Innovative Global Healthcare Technologies Program

Today’s students will be responsible for solving tomorrow’s global issues, including climate change, expanding global population, and depleting natural resources.  Experiential learning has proven itself as one of the most effective strategies to gain first-hand experience working in an international, interdisciplinary environment, acquiring the skills necessary to ensure success as the problem-solvers of the global issues of tomorrow.  When learning about these issues, there is no replacement for true international collaboration.  Building upon the existing agricultural-based partnership between Illinois and Njala University in Sierra Leone, we traveled to the School of Community Health Sciences (SCHS) in Bo to establish a new facet of the partnership focused on Global Health.


Picture2Learning Outcomes

Students who participate in the program will

  • Develop basic cultural competencies enabling identification of differences and understanding of consequences of unique religious beliefs, social norms and taboos, and regional diets
  • Understand the importance of finding common languages when working with people of different backgrounds, both cultural and academic
  • Recognize the importance of different perspectives and expertise for real-world problem-solving
  • Describe contributions of epidemiology and food security to improving population health
  • Analyze potential solutions for cultural and sustainable impacts
