Centers and institutes related to global health.
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology: The Beckman Institute at Illinois supports interdisciplinary collaborative research in the physical sciences, computation, engineering, biology, behavior, cognition, and neuroscience. Research is organized into four major research themes (Biological Intelligence, Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction, Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures, and Integrative Imaging) and three strategic initiatives (HABITS: Health, Attitudes, Biology, Information, Technology, Society; SDEP: Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy; and Imaging@Illinois).
Center for Global Studies: globalizes the research, teaching, and outreach missions of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Center is a National Resource Center in Global Studies designated by the U.S. Department of Education.
Center for Health, Aging and Disability: provides leadership in interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach efforts that promote health and wellness, healthy aging across the lifespan, healthy communities and optimal participation of individuals with disabilities.
Center for One Health Illinois: focuses on fostering the commonality of health through the three broadly defined areas of education, research and public outreach. The Center for One Health Illinois provides research, teaching, and public engagement programs to improve the health of human, animal, and ecosystem communities in Illinois.
Health Information Technology Center: promotes research on using information technologies to support health and healthcare. Areas of interest for HITC include: data sciences, privacy and security, usability, and safety. These areas are overlapping in scope and include issues related to both primary and secondary use of health information.
Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory: strives to create, support, and sustain an environment to facilitate advanced research in photonics, microelectronics, biotechnology and nanotechnology for the benefit of the University community, the State of Illinois, and society as a whole.
We list centers and institutes that have been submitted by faculty or staff at the University of Illinois. This is not a comprehensive list. If you are affiliated with a center or institute on campus and would like it included on this page, please contact us and provide a short description of the campus unit.