Learning Without Borders: Mitigating the Digital Divide in Sub-Saharan Africa Universities – Njala University, Sierra Leone
Thomas Songu, Information Communication Technology Director, Njala University
Wednesday, October 1st
12:00 PM
Illini Union – Room 406
This seminar highlights the opportunities that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers towards the development of higher education in Sierra Leone. The lack of sustainable ICT infrastructure and ubiquitous transfer of high-speed data between fixed geographical locations are among the major challenges. These findings are part of ongoing research with the vision to transform Sierra Leone’s higher education system from an industrial model (learning by assimilation) to a knowledge-based model and human capacity building, preparing staff and students to effectively enter a global economy based on knowledge, information, and technology.
Lunch will be served – please RSVP at https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/4992485
The speaker is available for individual meetings with interested individuals. Please contact globalhealth ‘at’ illinois.edu to request a meeting.
Organized by the Illinois-Njala Global Health Partnership, a 2014-2015 Focal Point project.